
Supporter® 4 (PI80) - Apple Rootstock - Bare Rooted

SKU Malus Rtsk-00 Category Rootstock Barerooted
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Similar to M26 with more yield. Support usually recommended for young orchards and reported to be better anchored than M26.

This rootstock is patented and / or is subject to Plant Breeder Rights and may not be reproduced without permission of the patent holder.

Similar to M26 with more yield. Support usually recommended for young orchards and reported to be better anchored than M26. Moderate to excellent hardiness reported. Light suckering, light burrknots.

Formerly selected as Pi 80 and resulted from a cross between M9 and M4.

This rootstock is patented and / or is subject to Plant Breeder Rights and may not be reproduced without permission of the patent holder.

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All Orders for Scions/Rootstocks to be shipped October 2024-March 2025.

Shippings details will be emailed as soon as they become available.

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