
Pear - Soldat Laboureur - Scion

SKU Pyrus 7897-BW2/69 Category Pear Scions
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a good winter pear, ready for harvest  October, but requires storage for it to turn buttery soft at Christmas and last till February.

This is a very good variety dessert pear, with skin that is dark green, and burgundy brown when ripe, and white flesh.

It is a good winter pear, ready for harvest  October, but requires storage for it to turn buttery soft at Christmas and last till February.

On trial in our orchard.

Category Pear Scions In stock 3 Items
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All Orders for Scions/Rootstocks to be shipped October 2024-March 2025.

Shippings details will be emailed as soon as they become available.

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