
Asian Pear - Shinseiki - Scion

SKU Pyrus 5692-BG Category Asian Pear Scions
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Bite into it on a hot summers day, and you get drenched with sweet refreshing juice.

Flowering Group - ?

Pick - August

Store - September

Shineseiki Asian Pear is an early season Asian pear with yellow skin and very little russet. The fruit is medium in size with smooth creamy white flesh and a sweet juicy flavour.

Bite into it on a hot summers day, and you get drenched with sweet refreshing juice.

Shinseiki is one of the earliest asian pears, ripening in mid-summer. A heavy, regular bearer.

Category Asian Pear Scions In stock 13 Items
Asian Pear - Shinseiki - Scion
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All Orders for Scions/Rootstocks to be shipped October 2024-March 2025.

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