
Apple - Bramley - Scion

SKU Malus 802-D01 Category Apple Scions
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It is a very heavy cropper, with a tangy flavour which cooks easily to a fluffy, juicy puree.

Flowering Group - 3

Pick - Mid October

Store - January


Originally planted as a pip by a young girl, Mary Ann Brailsford.  It takes its name from a later owner of the house, a Mr Bramley who allowed a local nurseryman to propagate it in the 1850s on condition that it was given his name. It is also known as Bramley Seedling.


Bramley's is without doubt the definitive English cooking apple, and in terms of flavour ranks as one of the world's great culinary apples.  Although the UK has produced a large number of excellent "cookers", Bramley is so dominant that the others are largely forgotten.


It is a very heavy cropper, with a tangy flavour which cooks easily to a fluffy, juicy puree.

Category Apple Scions In stock 4 Items
Apple - Bramley - Scion
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